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Vue du Golfe du Morbihan


The Design Office in Vannes

In the heart of the Gulf of Morbihan, an enthusiastic and experienced team is committed to offering cutting-edge technical solutions adapted to your needs.

Our ambition? Intelligently and confidently bring to fruition projects that meet the ecological and economic challenges of the future.


Thanks to the pooling of its experience in the field and complete mastery of Solidworks, our Design Office knows how to reconcile constraints, technical and budgetary requirements of customers.


In constant interactivity with the project stakeholders, he daily raises his level of adaptability and provides rational and efficient responses.

Our Design Office mobilizes all its know-how to be the place where promising projects come to fruition.


Our strengths

A team dedicated to the design of waste sorting and recovery centers.

proactivity involvement




sorting solution design



plan de travail avec ordinateur


Because proximity is essential, we participate in all phases of the project.

From Feasibility Study to Realization.

From Installation to Commissioning.

Each of our solutions is unique and adapts to your requirements.

Our achievements

Our achievements

Our company is proud to design efficient, scalable solutions tailored to your future industrial processes.


Our equipment primarily meets the technical criteria of quality, reliability and flow optimization within the budgetary framework of the project.


Finally, we continually concentrate our efforts in R&D to support you technically in the performance and profitability of your installations.


For tailor-made solutions, trust our company.


Susty Wastes Solutions France

18, rue du Chapeau Rouge

56000 Vannes (FR)

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